What is Abuse and Trauma Counselling?

Arguments and fighting are a normal part of a health human relationship. Everyone gets upset from time to time, but sometimes it goes further than that. If you or a loved one experience anger that leads to verbal threats or physical violence, that is not normal. Abuse of any kind – physical, verbal, or sexual – is never okay. These actions leave a lasting mark on the victim. Physical injuries may heal, but the emotional scars run deep. The impact of abusive actions last a lifetime. That is where abuse and trauma counselling comes in.

Trauma is a word given by psychology to describe the response that people have to being abused. Violent actions leave the victim with distress, fear, and feelings of helplessness that can bleed into all areas of life. There is often a feeling of being trapped, a kind of emotional suffocation. When abuse occurs to a child, often they do not feel comfortable sharing the experience with others. This can lead to an ongoing sense of guilt and shame, over an event that they did not have control over.

How Can Trauma Counselling Help?

Counselling, Kelowna, Vernon, Evergreen, Evergreen Counselling Group, Anxiety, Depression, Relationship, Marriage, Therapy, Abuse, Trauma, Abuse and Trauma, Abuse Therapy

If you or a loved one is experiencing trauma and has been a victim of abuse in their lives, you know that this is a subject that must be approached with care. Abuse is never consensual, and so we do not want to recreate this negative time with the client feeling forced to talk. The first part of counselling is focused on ensuring a safe space where the client feels comfortable sharing about their past experiences. Once this is achieved, then the counsellor and counselling participant can begin to unpack the experience, and find areas of their life that they can actively redeem and be empowered in.

Start Your Counselling Journey Today!

Book a FREE 25-min Complimentary Consultation by Calling (250) 859-5653

Evergreen Counselling Group is proud to serve the communities of KelownaVernonWest KelownaLake CountryArmstrong, and the rest of the North Okanagan and Central Okanagan Regional Districts“We acknowledge that our business is located on the traditional, ancestral, unseeded territory of the Syilx/Okanagan people.”