What is Addiction Counselling & Substance Use?

There are some things that, while good in small amounts, can have lasting negative effects if used excessively or routinely. Substances such as alcohol, marijuana, nicotine, and prescription medication can be used in reasonable amounts without negative draw backs. To a lesser degree this can also be true of illegal narcotics. Millions of people across our country make alcohol intake, marijuana and nicotine use a part of their daily lives with little repercussions. However, there are times when an overdependence develops. This is called substance abuse addiction, and gives a need for addiction counselling.

Most people in North America are addicted to caffeine. It is in most popular hot and cold drinks, from coffee and tea to Coke. Most people will experience the side-effects of withdrawal if they stop using it. However, this practice for the large part does not interfere with their “best functioning.” The same cannot be said of substance abuse. If you are experiencing substance abuse addiction, it negatively impacts your life. It can deplete your cash reserves, as you money goes to buying product.  It can diminish your income, as many people who struggle with substance abuse are unable to keep a job. And it can destroy your relationships, as the addiction changes your priorities and how you interact with the people you love the most.

How Can Counselling Help with Substance Abuse Addiction?

Counselling, Kelowna, Vernon, Evergreen, Evergreen Counselling Group, Anxiety, Depression, Relationship, Marriage, Therapy, Substance Abuse, Addiction, Substance Abuse Addition, Addiction Counselling, Substance Abuse Counselling

If you identify with this description, then you need help. Although it can be hard to admit you have a problem, substance abuse addiction is impossible to defeat on your own. In lab studies, scientists have found that rats will choose to continue using substances even as it leads to their physical downfall, a breakdown in social relationships, and even their death. Counselling helps you to get the support and game plan you need to overcome addictive substances. Together the counsellor and counselling participant look at their substance use, how it affecting their lives, and what practical steps they can to take back control of their lives!

Start Your Counselling Journey Today!

Book a FREE 25-min Complimentary Consultation by Calling (250) 859-5653

Evergreen Counselling Group is proud to serve the communities of KelownaVernonWest KelownaLake CountryArmstrong, and the rest of the North Okanagan and Central Okanagan Regional Districts“We acknowledge that our business is located on the traditional, ancestral, unseeded territory of the Syilx/Okanagan people.”