What is Anger Management Counselling?

Everyone gets angry from time to time. This comes when something doesn’t go our way. We get fired from a job, or we miss the bus. Or we can get angry when someone treats us in a way that is hurtful. Perhaps there is a relationship which hurts us. Or we get cheated out of money. Life is frustrating, and getting angry is a natural reaction to this. But sometimes anger goes beyond what is normal – and that is where anger management counselling comes in.

Anger goes beyond normal when it hurts yourself or others. This could be breaking your hand from smashing it against the wall. When you get fired from work for yelling at a colleague. Being verbally abusive with someone in response to frustration. Physically grabbing or hitting someone you love. These actions leave scars far beyond whatever physical marks are left behind. If unchecked, those who can not control their anger can find themselves alone, having pushed everyone else away.

How Can Anger Management Therapy Help?

Counselling, Kelowna, Vernon, Evergreen, Evergreen Counselling Group, Anxiety, Depression, Relationship, Marriage, Therapy, Anger Management, Anger, Anger Counselling, Anger Management Counselling

That is where anger management counselling comes in. Through counselling you can learn your personal anger cycle. Each person reacts differently to different situations, and so the first step in anger management is to figure out what makes you “tick.” Working together, the counsellor and counselling participant will identify things that are triggers for you – situations to avoid or to be aware of. Then, using the latest in psychological knowledge, they can craft a personalized “plan of action.” This enables you to be able to live your life with the knowledge that you can control yourself and protect the people you love. Contact Evergreen Counselling about to find out more about how your life could change today!

Start Your Counselling Journey Today!

Book a FREE 25-min Complimentary Consultation by Calling (250) 859-5653

Evergreen Counselling Group is proud to serve the communities of KelownaVernonWest KelownaLake CountryArmstrong, and the rest of the North Okanagan and Central Okanagan Regional Districts“We acknowledge that our business is located on the traditional, ancestral, unseeded territory of the Syilx/Okanagan people.”